SPV-IND 150 Single Phase

Surge Protection
spv ind 150

SPV-IND 150 Single Phase

Surge Protection
50 kA
10 Year Warranty
Manufactured in Mexico

Surge suppressor offers protection from dangerous voltage spikes, high frequency electromagnetic noise and power line disturbances. Industrial grade design and materials ensure safe and reliable operation for any application.

  • High frequency noise filter
  • Commercial Grade Cabinet
  • Immediate Response Time
  • Derived Parallel Connection
  • TMOV Technology
  • Parallelable Technology

Designed with Durable & Resistant Materials

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High frequency noise filter
Allows for precise data transfer and correct measurement during signaling such as in a radar transmission or heart-rate monitor.
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Commercial Grade Cabinet
Steel NEMA 4, IP 65 grade cabinets offer robust, resilient and long lasting performance.
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Immediate Response Time
Voltage spikes are corrected in nanoseconds, ensuring long life and protection of the load.
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Derived Parallel Connection
Secures safe & continuous operation in the presence of voltage transients or electrical noise.
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TMOV Technology
Thermally protected metal oxide varistors protect from voltage spikes and over voltage on the line.



Technical Specifications

Model SPV-IND 150
Nominal Voltage 110, 120, 127
Configuration P, N and G
Protection Voltage (VPR) 700 V (P-N), 700 V (P-G), 700 V (N-G)
Maximum Current Operation Voltage (MCOV) 150 V (P-N, N-T, F-T)
Type / Recommended Application Class Type 1 and Type 2
Short Circuit Current Range (SCCR) 200 kA
Frequency (Hz) 50 / 60
Protection Modes 3 modes, P-N, P-G, N-G
Nominal Discharge Current (In) 10 kA
Phase Protection Current (kA) 60
Energy Capacity (J) 720
EMI/RFI Filter Up to 50 dB from 10 kHz to 100 MHz
Model SPV-IND 150
Cabinet NEMA 4, IP 65, 16 caliber galvanized steel with baked epoxy coating in black
Dimensions: height x width x depth (mm) 200 x 137 x 50
Weight (kg) 1.0
Connection Type 3 flexible cables AWG 12
Model SPV-IND 150
Maximum operating altitude (mamsl) 5,000
Operating temperature (°C) 0 ~ 75
Relative Humidity from 5% to 95% without condensation
Model SPV-IND 150
Average efficiency 100%
Harmonic distortion Does NOT add harmonic distortion to the line
Anti-ignition system Thermostable polymer coated varistors & Smoke proof sealed metallic cabinet
Suggested Switch 1 pole, 30 A, 250 Vca
Certifications NOM, UL 1449 4th edition

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